帖子主题: Merry Christmas!! |
七音 |
职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵 积分:674 经验:4448 文章:659 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-23 11:30:37 人气:127 | 楼主 |
Merry Christmas!!
| |
like make friend with you!come on come on!
七音 |
职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵 积分:674 经验:4448 文章:659 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-23 11:31:08 | 第2楼 |
so interesting!! | |
like make friend with you!come on come on!
缘... |
级别:骑士 积分:103 经验:3018 文章:103 注册:2004-12-09
发表: 2004-12-23 11:57:20 | 第3楼 |
hehe...thank you for your christmas card | |
-__丶ヽヽ丶_______ | __ __ | ╭| ● ● |╮ ╰| |╯ ╰╭--╮-╭--╮╯ ╰/ / \ \╯
七音 |
职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵 积分:674 经验:4448 文章:659 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-23 12:23:23 | 第4楼 |
a ha
i like it ,and you?
| |
like make friend with you!come on come on!
缘... |
级别:骑士 积分:103 经验:3018 文章:103 注册:2004-12-09
发表: 2004-12-23 12:50:19 | 第5楼 |
yes!me too
That`s too interesting | |
-__丶ヽヽ丶_______ | __ __ | ╭| ● ● |╮ ╰| |╯ ╰╭--╮-╭--╮╯ ╰/ / \ \╯
七音 |
职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵 积分:674 经验:4448 文章:659 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-23 12:59:48 | 第6楼 |
a haha | |
like make friend with you!come on come on!
七音 |
职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵 积分:674 经验:4448 文章:659 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-24 08:06:48 | 第7楼 |
so pity to see that not so many people see this ! | |
like make friend with you!come on come on!
wuzijian |
级别:骑士 积分:175 经验:4242 文章:175 注册:2004-12-09
发表: 2004-12-25 19:19:22 | 第8楼 |
So pity to see that not so many people see this ! |
That's very interesting. I gave this card to the factory's secretary and she couldn't help laughing for it was so funny. Thank you!
[这个贴子最后由wuzijian在2004-12-25 19:47:53编辑过]
七音 |
职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵 积分:674 经验:4448 文章:659 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-26 07:38:06 | 第9楼 |
you're welcome! | |
like make friend with you!come on come on!
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