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 帖子主题: 商用缩略语大全1


发表: 2005-04-21 15:24:28 人气:109 楼主


@ - At (referring to price)

A. & C.P. - Anchors and chains proved

a.a. - "Always afloat, after arrival"

A.A.D. - Annual aggregate deductible

a.a.r. - Against all risks

A.B. - Able-bodied seaman

A.B.S. - American Bureau of Shipping is an American ship classification society.

a.c. - Account

A.C.A.S. - "Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service"

A.C.I.I. - Associate of Chartered Insurance Institute

A.C.V. - Air cushion vehicle (hovercraft)

A.F. - Advanced freight

a.f.a.a. - as far as applicable

A.G.W.I. - "Atlantic, Gulf, West Indies Limits"

a.h. - After hatch

A.H.F. - American hull form (insurance policy)

A.I.M.U. - American Institute of Marine Underwriters

A.M.I. - Absolute maximum loss

A.M.V.E.R. - Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue

A.O. Voy. - Any one voyage

A.O.B. - Any one bottom

A.O.E. - Any one event

A.O.L. - Any one loss

a.o.loc. - Any one location

A.O.O. - Any one occurrence

A.O.R. - Any one risk

A.O.V. - Any one vessel

A.P. - Additional premium

A.P.L. - As per list

A.R. - All risks

A.S.E.A.N. - Association of South East Asian Nations

A.T.L. - Actual total loss

A/C - Account current

A/o - Account of

A/P - Additional premium

A/R - All risks. Against all risks

A/S - "After sight, Account sales, Alonside (chartering)"

A/T - American terms (grain trade)

A/v - "Average, ad valorem (according to &#118alue)"

AADFI - Association of African Development Finance Institutions

AAEI - American Association of Exporters and Importers

AAIB - Arab-African International Bank

AATP - Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations

ABC - American Business Center

ABCA - Association des Banques Centrales Africaines

Abdnt. - Abandonment

ABEDA - Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

ABI - "American Business Initiative, Automated Broker Interface"

Absorption - "Absorption is investment and consumption purchases by households,businesses, and governments, both domestic and imported. When absorption exceeds production, the excess is the country's current account deficit."

Abt. - About

ABTA - Association of British Travel Agents

ACAB - Association of Central African Banks

ACC - Arab Cooperation Council

Acc. - Acceptance. Accepted

ACCJ - American Chamber of Commerce in Japan

accomplished bill of lading - Original bill of lading surrendered to the carrying ship at the discharge port in exchange for the goods.

ACCT - Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation

Acct - Account

ACDA - Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

ACEP - Advisory Committee on Export Policy

ACH - Automated Clearinghouse

ACP - "African, Caribbean, and Pacific"

ACP - "African, Caribbean and Pacific States"

ACPC - Association of Coffee Producing Countries

ACS - Automated Commercial System

ACTPN - Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations

ACU - Asian Clearing Union

AD - Antidumping

Ad Val - Ad Valorem

Ad Valorem - "Literally: according to &#118alue. Any charge, tax, or duty that is applied as a percentage of &#118alue. &quot;<br> <br> Ad Valorem Equivalent - &quot;AVE is the rate of duty which would have been required on dutiable imports under that item, if the United States customs &#118alue of such imports were based on the United States port of entry &#118alue. &quot;<br> <br> AD Valorem Tariff - &quot;A tariff assessed as a percentage of the &#118alue of the goods cleared through customs. For example, 10 percent Ad Valorem means the tariff is 10 percent of the &#118alue of the goods.&quot;<br> <br> Ad. val. - Ad valorem-according to &#118alue<br> <br> ADB - Asian Development Bank<br> <br> ADB - Asian Development Bank<br> <br> ADF - &quot;African Development Foundation, African Development Fund, Asian Development Fund&quot;<br> <br> ADFAED - Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development<br> <br> Administrative Exception Notes - &quot;CoCom controls exports at three levels, depending on the item and the proposed destination. At the lowest level, &quot;&quot;national discretion&quot;&quot; (also called &quot;&quot;administrative exception&quot;&quot;), a member nation may approve the export on its own, but CoCom must be notified&quot;<br> <br> ADRs - American Depository Receipts<br> <br> ADS - Agent Distributor Service ADS provides a custom search overseas for interested and qualified foreign representatives on behalf of a U.S. exporter. Officers abroad conduct the search and prepare a report identifying up to six foreign prospects that have examined the U.S. firm's product literature and have expressed interest in representing the U.S. firm's products.<br> <br> Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiations (ACTN) - &quot;A group appointed by the U.S. President to advise him on matters of trade policy and related issues, including trade agreements.&quot;<br> <br> Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations - &quot;The ACTPN is a group (membership of 45; two-year terms) appointed by the President to provide advice on matters of trade policy and related issues, including trade agreements. The 1974 Trade Act requires the ACTPN's establishment and broad representation&quot;<br> <br> AECA - Arms Export Control Act<br> <br> AEF - Africa Enterprise Fund<br> <br> AEN - Administrative Exception Note<br> <br> AERP - Automated Export Reporting Program<br> <br> AfDB - African Development Bank<br> <br> AfDF - African Development Fund<br> <br> AFESD - Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development<br> <br> &quot;Affreightment, contract of &quot; - &quot;An agreement by a steamship line to provide cargo space on a vessel at a specified time for a specified price to accommodate an exporter or importer, who then becomes liable for payment even if he is later unable to make the shipment.&quot;<br> <br> AFREXIMBANKAfrican Export-Import Bank <br> <br> Africa Project Development Facility - The APDF seeks to accelerate development of productive enterprises sponsored by private African entrepreneurs as a means of generating self-sustained economic growth and productive employment in Sub-Saharan Africa. The facility provides advisory services<br> <br> African Development Bank - AfDB (French: Banque Africaine de Developpement) provides financing through direct loans to African member states to cover the foreign exchange costs incurred in Bank-approved development projects in those countries. Fifty-one African countries are member<br> <br> aft - At or towards the rear of a ship.<br> <br> AFTA - ASEAN Free Trade Area<br> <br> AG - &quot;Aktiengesellschaft, Australia Group&quot;<br> <br> Agency for International Development - &quot;AID was created in 1961 to administer foreign economic assistance programs of the U.S. Government. AID has field missions and representatives in approximately 70 developing countries in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Near East.&quot;<br> <br> Agent/Distributor Service - &quot;The Agent/Distributor Service, ADS, is an International Trade Administration (ITA) fee-based service which locates foreign import agents and distributors.&quot;<br> <br> Agrement - Agreement by one government to accept the accreditation of an ambassador from another government. <br> <br> </span></span><br><img src=../images/blank.gif width=2 height=2> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> </table> <tr><td colspan=2><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0><tr bgcolor=#f7f7f7 height=25 class=TBBG9><td><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src=../images/null.gif width=2 height=3><br> <font color=888888>曜虺</font> <font color=888888>轱虺</font> <font color=888888>镡虺</font> <font color=888888>畈虺</font> 措鲼焘共箴<b>1</b>禧 措虺<b>1</b>禧 憧虺<b>10</b>禧<td align=right><img src=../images/null.gif width=2 height=2><br> <script language="JavaScript"> function surfto1(list) { var myindex1 = document.Fmjmp.selectedIndex; if (myindex1 != 0) { var URL = document.Fmjmp.jumpto.options[document.Fmjmp.jumpto.selectedIndex].value; this.location.href = URL; target = '_self'; } } </SCRIPT> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><form action="" method="post" name="Fmjmp"><tr><td> <select name="jumpto" onchange="surfto1(this)"> <option value="../Boards.asp" class=TBBG9>===切换论坛至……===</option> <option value="../Boards.asp" class=TBBG9>返回论坛首页</option> <option value="../Boards.asp?Assort=5" class=TBBG1>└┬论坛主区 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=100" class=TBBG9> ├『出口政策』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=700" class=TBBG9> ├『出口市场』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=800" class=TBBG9> ├『出口商品』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=900" class=TBBG9> ├『出口实务』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1000" class=TBBG9> ├『出口风险』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1100" class=TBBG9> ├『出口单证』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1200" class=TBBG9> ├『出口保险』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1300" class=TBBG9> ├『出口运输』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1400" class=TBBG9> ├『出口人才』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1500" class=TBBG9> ├『出口经验』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1600" class=TBBG9> ├『出口渠道』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1700" class=TBBG9> ├『出口咨询』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1800" class=TBBG9> ├『外贸英语』 <option value="../Board/Board.asp?BoardID=1900" class=TBBG9> └『电子商务』 </select></td></form></tr></table> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <script language=javascript> <!-- function submitonce(theform) { if (document.all||document.getElementById) { for (i=0;i<theform.length;i++) { var tempobj=theform.elements[i]; if(tempobj.type.toLowerCase()=="submit"||tempobj.type.toLowerCase()=="reset") tempobj.disabled=true; } } } function ctlkey() { if(event.ctrlKey && window.event.keyCode==13){submitonce(document.form1);document.form1.submit();} if(event.altKey && (window.event.keyCode==83 || window.event.keyCode==115)){submitonce(document.form1);document.form1.submit();} } var ie = (document.all)? 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