
帖子主题: 版主为你服务,请提问! |

 七音 | 

 职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵王 积分:720 经验:4856 文章:705 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-08 17:47:21 人气:419  | 楼主 |
有什么问题可以发表在这里,保证在第一时间里给你最满意的答复! |  |

like make friend with you!come on come on!

 wuzijian | 

 级别:骑士 积分:175 经验:4242 文章:175 注册:2004-12-09
发表: 2004-12-09 12:04:03  | 第2楼 |
Ok, my first question is how to learn English well?
I know this may be a stupid question and may be asked for one hundred times. But if you let me know your opinion, I'll be very much appreciated. Thank you!
[这个贴子最后由wuzijian在2004-12-9 23:57:13编辑过]

 七音 | 

 职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵王 积分:720 经验:4856 文章:705 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-09 22:04:00  | 第3楼 |
first you 're a good student i think .but why?you must ask me.i think you know study and you want to study from your heart ,which is the most important i think.
second since you want to study.you must take effort and go on every day! |  |

like make friend with you!come on come on!

 wuzijian | 

 级别:骑士 积分:175 经验:4242 文章:175 注册:2004-12-09
发表: 2004-12-10 12:00:04  | 第4楼 |
How to get English improved if I don't have speaking and listening surroundings?

 七音 | 

 职务:论坛版主 级别:精灵王 积分:720 经验:4856 文章:705 注册:2004-11-19
发表: 2004-12-11 11:56:43  | 第5楼 |
you can listening radio and watch tv .but this is a long process and you must insist on and then you can be succeed.
take me for example,when i was in school i read english every morning and listening the take and read after the tape.
you must decide youself and can study on and on.
wish you good! |  |

like make friend with you!come on come on!
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