国家地区: United States
公司名称: Dis N Dat Kine
公司地址: 3045 NW Overlook Drive Suite 1317, Hillsboro , Oregon
联系人: Mr. Brian Magnaye
商品名称: Cheap Dvd's
具体要求: I m looking for a supplier who can provide us with a very low price on DVD movies with hard-case to resell here in the US.
Just some few question regarding the products
Do you have 2004 new movie releases? ( English/All Categories )
Can you provide us with the tittles of the latest releases?
Can you provide us with a sample of an ALL Region DVD movie with Hard-Case?
What are your prices and minimun orders? ( ALL Region DVD's in Hard-Case )
What is your payment method accepted?
How long is the shipment to USA?