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K00524 印度外商急购水泥(C)


公司名称:Mas Global

公司地址:Ratlam kothi Indore, M.P.

联系人:Mr. Sapan Khandelwal

商品名称:Portland Cement

具体要求:We very urgently need 1000000 Mt to Kuwait of ordinary portland cement 42,5.Specification as per ASTM c150 type V.Destination Kuwait. Performance bond 2%.packing 50 kg 5 ply paper bags,20 bags per sling.Target price 33 USD per Mt on CIF basis.First L/C for 30000 Mt from this order can be opened on monday.We have got also inquiry for 4,000,000 Mt to Kuwait of ordinary portland cement 42,5 specifications according to BS 12/1996. The payment will be with SBLC for whole amount.performance bond 2%. This buyer requires 30 kg of sample. Of course he will pay for the sample and courier service. Target price for this order 31 UD per Mt on CIF Kuwait basis.We have inquiry for 75000 Mt to Angola. First LC will be opened for amount 25000 Mt and then separate LC for 125000 monthly. PB 2%.Please send me separate FCO for separate orders






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