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K00706 美国外商求购塑料袋(C)

国家地区:United States

公司名称:The Hanger Guys

公司地址:16350 NW 16 St, Pembroke Pines , Florida

联系人:Mr. David Kochman

商品名称:Plastic Poly Bags

具体要求:I am interested in importing another plastic product. It is called poly bags. They come in rolls and have perforations between each bag. The thickness of the poly is.005 mil, and the color is clear. The size I am looking for is 40 inches. The dimensions of the bag are 21x7x40, which translates to 21 across,40 high, and when the bag is opened, it has a 7 inch spread. The rolls are measured by weight and the number of bags per roll. The typical roll can be between 17 and 28 pounds, with the number of bags running around 470 for a 17 pound roll. I have attached some pictures to assist you in your search. The target price is 1.3 cents per bag. Please let me know if you sell this product, and if so can you match my price






联系我们: exp@cnexpnet.com


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