

F07072 波兰求购管珠(C)
阅览数:64             使用数:4


联系人:Mr. Doug Montgomery

求购商品:Bone And Horn Tube Beads

询盘内容:We are a manufacturer of HIGH QUALITY accessories for the game of Billiards. Currently we have clients in 4 different countries. We will be purchasing approximately 2000 black bone or horn tube beads (per month) that are 10cm or 4" in length and have a 3mm 'clean' and 'smooth' hole in the middle. They must be smooth on the outside also and "round" (without flat spots and an uneven surface) because we personalize them with laser engraving. Hence the word. . . Quality

We have recently purchased 1000 and ALL of them had to be thrown away.

We are looking for a <;;<;;>;;>;; supplier who can produce a <;;<;;>;;>;; product.

Please contact us ONLY if you manufacture this "specific" product. Also, please do not 'spam' us with a generic letter about your firm and how you want to help me with my "jewelery" needs, I DO NOT make jewelery of any kind.

Your time is valuable, so is mine. . . .

Please, I do not have time to 'check out your site'. If you have a website, please send me a direct link to the product I am looking for.







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