ear My Name Is Samer Alalami owner Of my Company I was In Canton Fair I saw Your stand, And i am interested in your Product. I have A small Project need to finish And if the Approval was done on this then We have bigger project.
I am interested in your windows with the Shutter and your roiling doors or bi-folding Doors With double glass With aluminum frames.
Could Please Give your best price For Each type please. I have about 80 to 120 sq/ m of windows And 25 to 40 Sq/m of Bi-folding doors
So could please Give me your best price For the following please 1) Double Glass windows sliding left-right/ right-left type with Aluminum frame Color / Bronze Or Dark Brown Glass type That is light tented ( out cant see inside ) coming in light green color the glass.
2) Same As Above with electric Blinds between the two Glass.
3) Same As above No. 1 including the (electric Shutter) with remote control
Also with Same Color dark Brown Or Bronze Color 4) Same As above No.1 & No.2 Together including the (electric Shutter) with remote control Also with Same Color dark Brown Or Bronze Color 5) Need A price For Folding Door with Key lock Same As No.1 same Glass type Same Color Need A price With electric Blinds inside And Without Electric blinds. 6) And if you Have A glass roof? What is the Price Also Please.
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